Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Final touches on the Display

So works continues on the Naked Node Project. I have been concentrating on the display. I wanted to add some additional features, and have a couple more to add, but Im enjoying the challenge.

I added two additional buttons at the bottom of the screen to turn the radio and the computer off and on via the touchscreen. I have to admit calibrating the touchscreen is a bit of a chore, especially since this screen isnt the greatest in the world. I ended up chopping up the parts of the sketch for the screen into multiple voids, so that the main loop would run faster. The original way I had it caused you to push the buttons multiple times before the request registered on the MCU. Chopping up everything made this a lot faster. There are a few occasions that I have to push the button twice, but that ok for this project.

As promised I will show the S- Meter animation. Its not the greatest video but you get the idea

S Meter Animation

I also as mentioned added two additional buttons. Each button is now capable of turn the radio or the computer off and on using a single key. When the equipment is ON, the button changes to a filled color, when its off, then its just a void button. I had a lot of fun getting one button to do both desired functions, but it works.


                            When the equipment is off, this is how the voided out button looks

Buttons have turned on the equipment

Though the photos dont really do justice, the radio button is actually green, and the computer button is a light shade of purple. The lighting messes with the hue of the photo.

This is about it for this update. Work continues on the project. Ill post the code once its all cleaned up for those that might wanna see whats going on.

In the meantime..........

Happy Coding!

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